Growing up in the 'Hood

Thoughts, Ideas, Aphorisms & Dreams from the Ghettos of my mind

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Moon was star
Through a pretend sleep
At me
who below
his weep
6 deep
Is how many
stars there
Are who are down to
Envy Mr. Moon
who subjects
His subjects to gloom
Courtship in kingdom-
Come or even in King-
Domed Seattle's of sordidity
& Life's capital city

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I give you roses
Because you go away
& even yourself

You mask yourself
In imagined innocence
& you hide under hyphened surrender'gs

& re-thought end'gs

For you are in love
& I am nothing
Today nor ever-


You mentioned my misanthropy
& my dream'g

How many moments more
Must I permit you
To exhume your emaciated


In hope of a new conclusion
Conceived ocean in size
Of sublimation

Left quietly

& sing'g forever
To children &
Humans alike

En route

To "black against white"
W/ us in company
& incarcerated in

Cell blocks

Of concrete slabs
& construed contaminants
The therapeutics we perscribe

To Ourselves

As self-administered medication
& mid-range rocket drugs
We feed our mindfull
